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You can order one of my double-shelves with the upper shelf on the left or right. The size determines the price, for example, a 48" double sells for $1275.00 and a 60"double sells for $1595.00 and so on.
#105DS Maple & Cherry
#106DS Walnut & Curly Maple
Have your shelf custom made or select one that I have in stock. Contact me to see what is currently available.
#107DS Curly Maple & Walnut
#205S Curly Maple & Cherry
Once again the size determines the price, for example, a 48" single shelf goes for $775.00, a 60" single goes for $970.00 and so on.
#206S Sapele & Ambrosia Maple
#207S Curly Maple, Sapele & Ambrosia Maple
My shelves mount with metal keyhole brackets, which are placed 16" on center across the back.
Each shelf has two sets of brackets, which are about 4-6"apart.
#208S Curly Maple & Cherry
#209S Curly Maple & Walnut
They also come with a plywood template to facilitate the mounting.
#210S Ambrosia Maple & Walnut
#305V Ambrosia Maple & Sapele
#307V Cherry & Curly Maple
My vertical shelves (#305V-308V) can be ordered up 42" wide. The width determines the price. For example a 30" vertical goes for $525.00, a 40" $700.00.
#306V Walnut & Curly Maple
#308V Curly Maple & Sapele
Instagram feed
#308V Curly Maple & Sapele
#309V Curly Maple & Walnut
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